Holiday Poem: A Visit from Saint ASAP

'Twas the Night Before the Christmas break, and all through the house, some creatures were sneaking, including a mouse.The bait traps were hung by the chimney with care, all in the hopes that any rodents would make themselves rare.The bugs were nestled all snug in their beds, as visions of snoring sugar plums danced in their heads.The homeowner of this lair was feeling worse for the wear and wishing he had not taken up the dare of a hare.With mama in her kerchief and the man in his cap, the couple decked the halls and settled in for a nap. It came to him in a dream, the bunny who told him he himself could rid the house of pests, or so it would seem.He awoke with a rash and his teeth began to gnash. He heard a clatter and ran to the kitchen to see what was the matter. A team of ants had shoved aside some plates, and were carrying away pears to bring to their mates. Away he raced to the sink, only to find it was now serving as a roach roller rink!Peals of giggles arose across the room and the homeowner's gaze fell upon raccoons dancing under the moon. He dashed onto the porch and lit a torch, only to see some roof rats slip past its scorch. The raccoons thought it was all so funny, and the homeowner cursed that nightmare bunny.All of a sudden, he heard a bellow, and it came from the driver of a work truck in yellow. Out came a man with a mustache, who harkened the creatures to join a holiday bash. The homeowner stood awed as the pests came, as if summoned by name.Pest control collage with Christmas themed images."Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen. On, Comet, on, Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen!," the man shouted with a twinkle in his eyes. "To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall, now, dash away, dash away all!" Suddenly, the pests, one and all, bid their merry good-byes.The rats pranced off the roof as the dog celebrated with a woof! The bed bugs scurried as if rather hurried. The ants marched across the lawn and the termites hastened to get out before dawn. The homeowner clasped his hands for joy as the mice realized they could no longer be coy. Even the roaches checked out, as the pest control operator completed his rout.The homeowner gave praise to Saint Nick, but the man just laughed with the flick of a tick. "I'm not Santa, silly, and I don't work willy-nilly. When it comes to exclusion, I won't give it a rest because I come from All Solutions All Pests."But you could hear him exclaim as he drove out of sight, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!Happy Holidays,All Solutions All Pests