

#1 Houston Company for Wasp Removal Services


Whether you call them hornets, Yellow Jackets or Mud Daubers, they’re all wasps.  There are 20,000 species of wasps, but most people are only familiar with social wasps like hornets and Yellow Jackets.  A social wasp nest can hold up to 10,000 individuals at its peak.  While they do help to control the population of other garden pests, they don’t share the positive honey-producing and pollinating qualities of the common honeybee. (Fig Wasps are responsible for pollinating up to 1,000 species of fig trees.)  Unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times.  When provoked or threatened, wasps become very aggressive and will swarm.  To avoid painful stings and possible allergic reactions, call SOS-ASAP to safely remove wasp nests on your property.  If you are stung, and experience nausea, extreme swelling, lightheadedness or more, seek medical attention immediately.  Also, if a wasp is swatted or has stung near their nest, vacate the area. When a wasp stings, it releases a venom containing a pheromone that triggers aggression in nearby wasps.  SOS-ASAP removes wasp nests in Houston and the surrounding areas.  Take back your yard.


SOS-ASAP is the Unique Master of Many Niche Trades

Call us anytime at 713-397-4477 and/or fill out our inquiry form by clicking the button below.