Is Rabies 100% Fatal?

An article published on Scitable by Nature Education, by Julia Paoli on August 21st, 2013, starts by asking an important question about Rabies: is it 100% fatal? Paoli goes on to explain a little bit more about the world's deadliest disease, like where it can be found around the world, the number of people who die from it each year, and even a brief history of the vaccine that makes Rabies 100% preventable. Even though Rabies is preventable, it's always been believed to be 100% fatal if the vaccine wasn't administered in a short time frame. That is, until 15 year old Jeanna Geise survived without any vaccination.Paoli goes on to explain the newest Rabies medical procedure that is credited with saving Geise's life, the Milwaukee Protocol. The life saving proceddure is explained, along with some insights into the disease from the doctors who treated Jeanna Geise. The article even goes on to talk about other cases where the Milwaukee Protocol, and its success rate, though it also talks about survivors who haven't been exposed to the vaccine or the Protocol.While Rabies was believed the only disease that is 100% fatal to humans, recent research and vaccines are able to help keep the number of infected humans down in the United States. Read the Full Article from Author Julia Paoli on Scitable by Nature Education:

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