Pets and Pests: Keeping Vermin out of Your House

Why Pets and Pests Don't Mix

Pets and Pests go hand in hand, right? After all, don't cats and dog keep out pests? Not necessarily. While cats are renowned as age-old guards against rodents, some of our furry friends might be too domesticated for that.

Consider how this kitty handled a rat.

You absolutely should not leave it to your cat or dog to have to deal with rats, mice or other vermin. Similarly, do not leave cat or dog food outside or in the garage unless you want to attract raccoons and other unwanted animals to your home. Leaving pet food out can also attract roaches. Roaches are everywhere, especially in Houston, including in trees. They eat leaves, tiny pieces of wood, garbage, vegetables and more. Leaving out a bowl of kibble is an open invitation, like a neon vacancies sign at the Roach Hotel. Put a tight lid on your garbage or you are ringing a dinner bell for pests. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency keeps a running list of such pest prevention measures.Cockroaches can reproduce in 1-2 days, mature quickly and can live up to a year. Roaches like warmth and a home set to 75 degrees is absolutely lovely to them. Your author here once saw a ginormous roach in the coffee section of a green grocer in a nice Houston neighborhood and can only assume their organic policy extended to a ban on pest control at the building. We can safely protect your home from such pests.Another issue with pets and pests is assuming the home is safe from pests such as fleas. Fleas can easily come in with you and Fido after a walk. If left untreated, the problem could make your pets ill, noted Don't try to ride out a pest invasion storm.Ask yourself: would you really want your cat or dog to have to deal with a pest or wild animal? Don't let this happen at home! (Editors note: This is a video dramatization of a giant roach vs. a house cat.)Instead, All Solutions All Pests (ASAP Operators) take a holistic view of protecting your home and family (including the pets) from pests.If you suspect or know that pests have invaded your home, we will get them out and then perform exclusion work to prevent them from coming back. We will also consult with you on keeping the pets safe from pesticides and discuss pet-friendly pest control practices. Take back your home, once and for all. We can help you feel secure in the knowledge the pests are being eliminated and excluded to keep you, your family and your pets comfortable in a clean home environment.Contact All Solutions All Pests for a consultation or home inspection to safeguard your home, family and pets from pest problems. Give us a call at 713-397-4477.