Roaches: Treating a Lil’ Problem Before It Becomes a Big Problem
My dad always says roaches don’t travel alone. One thing is for sure – you don’t want them traveling into your house.The German cockroach, like the one we found in the kitchen sink, can start reproducing a few weeks after hatching. And when the eggs of the next generation are encased before hatching, they are not affected by spray treatments. Hence, the next wave of roaches emerge from the cases, known as ootheca, and get ready to reproduce themselves.This rapid rate of reproduction leads to a fairly extensive infestation in short order. This is why it typically takes more than one treatment to quell the encroachment, or enc-ROACH-ment!Other roaches might be passing through, such as the tree roach, which is very common here in the Houston area. We caught one crawling up a kitchen cabinet and it was nearly the size of a mouse. We trapped it with a bucket. At that point, it was time to call in the professionals. After all, it was quite evident that a DIY bug bomb attempt was an abysmal failure.By thoroughly spraying the perimeter of a house and the baseboards within the home, All Solutions All Pests is careful with the application of the pesticide. The way it works is to knock out the nervous system of these bugs. The active agent is actually suspended in the spray solution and when roaches cross through it, they end up carrying the encapsulated pesticide with them. When they stop to groom themselves, they ingest the material and go kaput.
In some cases, a quarterly treatment is recommended to keep roaches from getting situated again.
What to Expect with Treatment for Roaches
ASAP will schedule a convenient time when someone is home to conduct the treatment, which may take about an hour or less. ASAP asks that you secure your pets and not let them out for about 20 minutes after the treatment so that the spray is dried.A pest control operator will examine the home and then spray along the walls, which is where roaches come in and out, and often live. You may want to also ask for our free termite inspection while we are there.The ASAP operator will advise you on any particulars and also answer questions you may have. The checkout process will occur on a phone or tablet, where you can sign. Soon enough, you will likely see the effectiveness of the treatment.Lo and behold, the morning after the treatment, we found a dead German cockroach at the front door. What a relief. Remember, roaches carry germs and are just generally nasty. You do not want them in your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom or anywhere in the house.Later in the day, we stepped outside and found a dead tree roach right outside the garage door. It is reassuring to know the treatment is working! Thank you, All Solutions All Pests!