How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs? Call us ASAP. That’s Our Name

Looking for Quick Bed Bug Removal? We Can Help!

When it comes to common pest problems, information is power. The challenge can be that solid information does not always get around as quickly as pests make their rounds because people don't want to talk about things like bed bugs, roaches, etc.It can be embarrassing to admit such a problem and pests aren't the sort of thing to chat about at holiday parties. You might not want to ask a friend about an experience you are having, such as small spots of blood on the sheets. We don't mention this to make you squeamish. We want you to know you can tell us about it without fear of being judged.Don't take it personally if you have bed bugs. After all, they've shown up in fancy hotels. Let us inspect your home to find out what you are dealing with – perhaps you have bed bugs or perhaps something else is bugging you, literally, such as fleas.Did you know bed bugs hide during the day and come out at night to bite? We will listen closely to your concerns and questions. We can find the problem and bring the resolution. Rest assured, we'll take of it.Don't be in DenialMaybe you looked under the bed and did not see the little monsters. (They are the size of apple seeds, but thinner, and can hide in cracks and crevices in furniture and walls.) Maybe you just as soon shrug it off and hope the problem goes away. Or, maybe you want to try sprinkling some essential oils around for a DIY treatment. How's that working out for you?What is a quick bed bug removal treatment that's effective? Pest control operators have specialized equipment to treat homes. We are systematic about removing items and then the bugs, for good. Bed bugs can travel from room to room, so we do not just treat the area where they are known to be.Homeowners and renters can use traps to see if they have bedbugs and can vacuum them, but will likely need professional help to get rid of them all. Let's take care of the problem with proper professional treatment before an infestation grows.Why are Bed Bugs Making a Comeback?Bed bugs were eradicated in the United States, so much so that children did not really understand or would laugh at the old saying, "sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." But, after the pesticide DDT was banned and international travel increased, bed bugs began to reemerge in the United States.In some places, they are prevalent outside of beds. For example, bed bugs have been spotted in government buildings and on city buses in Trenton, New Jersey. They also show up in libraries, schools, movie theaters, gyms, and other public spaces.

A Few Not-So-Fun Facts about Bed Bugs:

  • Bed Bugs hide!
  • They travel, from room to room, apartment to apartment.
  • They feast on blood (sorry).

The good news? All Solutions All Pests has the know-how and equipment to resolve the problem of bed bugs. We want you to feel at home again and to truly sleep tight. If you feel the bed bugs biting, you can call out 24-7 pest control rapid response hotline, even in the middle of the night, at 281-536-7733.