How to Get Rid of Critters? Call us 24-7, We Contain Them

 Critter Removal Done Right

What if you hear some kind of critters thumping in your attic in the middle of the night? Who are you going to call at 3:00 in the morning for critter removal? All Solutions All Pests will be there A.S.A.P. with our 24-7 hotline service for Houston. That's why our name is ASAP Operators.If you think you hear an animal in your attic, wall or vent, just call 281-536-7733 after regular business hours or over the weekend. Feel free to call us anytime. Our regular business hours are 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, and the main office number is 713-397-4477.We are available SEVEN DAYS AND NIGHTS A WEEK when you have a pest control emergency, such as rats, raccoons or other critters. We welcome the opportunity to exclude these animals from your home.Think of us as Ghostbusters for rats, raccoons, mice, squirrels, possums or any other rodents or critters that are in your house. We even have a big yellow pest control mobile to roll up on these little monsters.Pest control operators are trained and licensed to get rid of them and All Solutions All Pests provides friendly, knowledgeable service at the ready. You do not need to wait for help and you should not settle for anything less than highly skilled and trained technicians handling a pest problem in your home or business.

Why do you want a rapid response for critter removal?

Frankly, the pests are not going to go away on their own. They did not saunter in by accident. They chose your space for the same reasons you did: it's a nice shelter and has plenty of food and water. Why would they leave your home on their own? We are in the business of pest exclusion. We get rid of them and keep them out.Rodents can slip into even well kept and well-built homes through a variety of entry points, such as junctures for pipes or cables, soffits, eaves, and even underground utility lines. Rats can slip through any opening higher or wider than ½ inch. Mice only need openings as wide as ¼ inch. Mice can jump as high as 18 inches. Rats can climb pipes and burrow through the ground. Rats are particularly adept at gnawing their way through barriers and can bite through a wide variety of constructions materials, such as aluminum sheeting, window screens, wood, rubber, vinyl, fiberglass, plastic, and even low-quality concrete or concrete block.Does the thought of rodents give you the heebeegeebees? Of course, because they carry diseases. Even if you are a clean freak, if these pests make their way into your lovely home, so do the germs they bring in. This is a good reason to take advantage of our 24-7 pest control hotline service. You don't want these pests in your home for long.There are other practical reasons for rapid response to pest control. For example, rats can cause fires, either by chewing through electrical wires or by building nests in and around electrical wires. They can also do a doozy on a home's insulation.Critter removal is not something you want to drop to the bottom of your honey-do list. Just give us a call anytime on the hotline at 281-536-7733 or in the office at 713-397-4477. We can answer questions and also inspect your home for possible points of entry. We are available to prevent pests from entering as well as critter removal.