Opossums: Great in Nature, Not in Your Home

Opossum Relocation

Seeing an opossum, or possum, in your garage might scare the living daylights out of you. It's just not something you want taking up residence with its family in your home. Opossums are the only marsupial in North America and some people take comfort in knowing they are not rodents. Possums eat ticks and grubs, which can be beneficial in your landscaping environment, but they can also spred illnesses as well. That's why ASAP offer opossum relocation.Opossums can be problematic for homeowners, especially if they want to take advantage of the pre-existing structure of your attic, chimney, garage, shed, outdoor kitchen or other area in or around the home. They can cause damage and will urinate and defecate where they are hanging out.Opossums are nocturnal and you are likely to see them by a fence, a woodpile, your garbage cans and recycling bins. As long as they stay clear of the house, they are not likely to pose a problem, although they will attract the unrelenting attention of an astute guard dog.The possum (Latin name Didelphus Virginia, also known as Virginia Opossum) may come to the home for shelter or to provide a place for its young when weaning. Female possums are known to leave a baby alone to wean it.A friend was awakened in the middle of the night by a screeching creature right outside her window. When she opened the blinds, she was face-to-face with a crying opossum baby holding onto a tree branch. The mama possum had been living under the back porch, enjoying whatever she could find to eat by rumbling around the garbage.

Opossums Really Play Possum

Now, the whole opossum family was getting comfortable around the place. This is a good time to call for professional opossum relocation help. If you have children, you don't want possum urine and feces in your home environment. If you have pets, you do not want any close encounter with the possums, who have sharp teeth and may defend themselves if cornered.Hopefully, if your dog does meet the possum, the creature will indeed "play possum" or play dead. This is the opossum's favorite defense move, and often allows it to escape unharmed. Pull your dog away, go inside and wait a few minutes for the possum to realize it is in the clear and leave.Other similarly sized creatures are more dangerous, such as raccoons. Another pesky creature you do not want anywhere in your home environment is the skunk. In addition, other pests may get into the house, as well.Unless you are licensed by the state of Texas to remove and relocate wildlife, please leave this to a professional. If you live in the City of Houston, please be aware that the city code deems it unlawful for anyone who is not a police officer, animal control officer, a member of a humane organization, or a licensed employee of a licensed pest control company to capture wild animals.ASAP can make it easy to rid yourself of any concern with pests and critters in your home.