Getting Rid of Rats and Rodents in Your Home

Rodent Removal Done Right

There is nothing like the sight of a rodent in your home to ruin your sense of well-being. You keep your home clean for your family's health and enjoyment and any intrusion by a rat or other rodents requires immediate attention. It can make you want to scream! Why does rodent removal have to be so difficult?These creatures – mice, rats, voles, etc. – do not travel alone, especially in Houston, where the climate and environment is favorable for their population. As temperatures drop, rodents seek the warmth of a house and burrow or otherwise make their way into the home. You want a safe and environmentally responsible way to get them out and keep them out.What is the best way to get rid of rats or mice or other rodents? A licensed pest control or animal damage control professional can come to the rescue of your home and sanity. Rat removal is simply not a good DIY idea.Rats and other rodents carry diseases such as leptospirosis, rat-bite fever and plague (see Centers for Disease Control list of rodent-transmitted diseases). Please leave rat trapping and other rodent removal techniques to a professional. Besides, do you really want to be up close and personal with your uninvited guests?Rodents often take up residence inside walls and other hard to reach spaces within a home. After removal of the rodents, damaged areas should be removed as well and the area properly cleaned and sanitized.For ongoing rat control, it is important to prevent them from getting into the home again. Your pest control professional will inspect the house to find, and close off, any openings in the exclusion process. Properly installed metal mesh and other materials can be use to keep out rodents and other pests.

Rodents Don't Travel Alone

If you have a rat, you have a rat problem and this is not likely resolved in one visit. Your pest control company should work with you to devises the follow-up schedule for trap removal and house checks.We understand you want your home to feel like home again ASAP and how important is for pest control be performed in a way that is also safe for homes with children and pets. Your technician will examine the scope of the problem and specific locations around the home before consulting with the homeowners about the recommended remediation methods, which can include kill traps, live traps and some poisons.We know keeping your home safe and clean is a priority and we also know that rats will seek shelter in any house they can find. It does not mean your house itself was dirty. The rat infestation occurs because your home is an attractive shelter for nesting and breeding. Rats and other rodents can compress themselves to gain entry through small holes and cracks, some of which are by design in your home's exterior, such as weep holes and vents.This is why you should not ignore a sound coming from the attic or wall.All Solutions All Pests (ASAP Operators) will remove your rat problem and exclude rodents from returning. Your home is a haven, for you and your family, and not for rodents.